
SEO With React – Best Practices And Strategies

It is challenging to overstate the importance of SEO in modern web development. Ranking highly on search engines is essential for generating traffic on many websites, especially content-heavy ones like blogs, e-commerce sites, and business pages.

React is a JavaScript front-end library that lets you create excellent web applications. However, React uses client-side rendering, which makes it a little less SEO-friendly than other technologies.

To help you deal with the drawback, this article will show you the strategies and industry best practises for SEO optimisation in React applications.

What are the Benefits of Using React?

Here are the main reasons why you should use React when developing your website:

Component-based Architecture

React uses a component-based architecture, which allows developers to divide the user interface into small, reusable, and self-contained components. This modularity facilitates code management and maintenance while encouraging code reuse throughout the programme.

Developer Toolkit

Your development process will be more straightforward because you have the developer toolkit when working with ReactJS. This toolkit streamlines the development process and saves developers valuable time.

Virtual Dom

React uses a virtual DOM, a copy of the real DOM. When the state of a component changes, React computes the minimum required changes in the virtual DOM and then efficiently updates the real DOM.

Code Stability

You should not be concerned about code stability when using ReactJS. Because when you alter something in code, it only affects that one component and does not affect whatsoever on the parent structure.

Best Practises for Making Your React Website SEO-friendly

There are various best practises and tactics for applying SEO with React that you can use to ensure your website is search engine optimised.

Here are some essential solutions:

Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

React websites are often designed as client-side single-page applications (SPAs). So, you can use server-side rendering or static site generation for improved SEO. It makes indexing your website by search engines simple. Additionally, frameworks like Next.js or Gatsby.js can be used to achieve SSR.

URL Structure

Keep your page URLs clear and meaningful. Make use of descriptive slugs that appropriately portray the page’s content. Avoid using complex or dynamic URLs with query parameters that search engines may not understand. You can manage your routes in React by using frameworks such as React Router.

React Helmet

React Helmet is a library that allows you to customise the meta tags, titles, and other HTML head section elements. It’s critical for SEO since search engines rely on meta tags such as title and description to determine the content of a page. Ensure that each page includes specific and descriptive metadata.

Lazy Loading and Code Splitting

React apps contain a lot of JavaScript code, which can slow down page load speeds. Use lazy loading and code splitting to load JavaScript components and resources only when required. It boosts page speed and performance, which are essential for SEO.

Internal Linking

Implement an organised internal linking approach in your React application. Internal links improve indexation and the user experience by helping search engines find and navigate your website. Ensure essential pages on your website receive enough internal links from relevant other pages.


Create a fully responsive and mobile-friendly React application. Because the number of mobile users is growing, search engines prioritise mobile-friendly websites in their ranks. Utilise responsive design strategies and test your website across various screen sizes.


By adhering to recommended web accessibility practises, you can ensure your React components are accessible. Accessibility is a ranking criterion for search engines and improves the user experience. Use semantic HTML components, provide alternate text for images, and enable proper keyboard navigation.

Schema Markup

Use JSON-LD or microdata formats to implement structured data markup. Search engines can comprehend your website’s context and content more effectively with the help of schema markup. To mark up crucial aspects like products, reviews, events, and more, use vocabulary.

Page Load Optimisation

Page speed is an essential component of SEO. Optimise your React application to load quickly. Optimise pictures, minify and compress JavaScript and CSS files, and use browser cache. Webpack and performance testing tools can help identify and resolve performance issues.

Content Optimisation

Finally, prioritise the creation of high-quality, relevant, and exciting content. Create distinctive and descriptive page names, headings, and meta descriptions. Include important keywords naturally in your article, but avoid keyword stuffing. Update and add new information regularly to keep your site dynamic and relevant.


The importance of SEO in web development must be recognised, especially for websites with more content. Due to the client-side rendering of single-page applications, React applications can be relatively complex. However, using the appropriate techniques and tools, you can ensure your React application is properly optimised for search engines.

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About the author :

Jigar Agrawal is Digital Marketing Manager at eSparkBiz. He is Passionate about anything related to Digital Marketing. Wants to unlock the world of technology and Social Media where every day there is a chance of new possibility as well as innovation.



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