Mobile Apps

5 Tips For Creating Safe Mobile Apps for Small Businesses

Small businesses have unduly suffered in the past year, with necessary restrictions and lockdowns preventing customers from patronizing their favorite establishments. Small businesses all around the world have had to turn to digital channels to keep going.

The most innovative of these businesses have used websites and mobile apps to remain operational. Thanks to these online channels, many small businesses have not only survived but thrived in the last few months. However, the same could not be said of businesses in the United Kingdom.

A survey indicated that even though more than 60 percent of UK residents have smartphones, 80 percent of small businesses don’t have mobile support apps. This is reflected by the fact that there are only 11,000 app publishers in the country, representing just 1 percent of global app publishers.

If you want to modernize your small business by creating an app, you will need to make it as secure as possible. If you’re looking for mobile app trends and statistics, you can check out Cell Phone Deal which provides a comprehensive detail on how mobile apps are used by visitors.

How can you make a safe and secure mobile app ?

App safety and security is essential to prevent costly hacks and similar events from disrupting your operations. Without the proper security measures, cyber criminals can exploit weaknesses in your app’s programming and compromise your customer’s sensitive information.

The loss of trust in your business can be devastating to your profitability.

Here are 5 ways on how you can make your mobile apps more secure.

1. Path of Least Privilege

Apps sometimes have to access functions of a customer’s phones, which are called privileges. If you don’t want hackers to have access to your customer’s information, you should always use the path of least privilege. This means that your app won’t ask for access to a phone’s feature or information unless it is crucial its operation.

For example, apps for people buying their first home won’t need access to the phone’s contacts or their online banking accounts. This will ensure even if your program is hacked that the cyber criminals or virus responsible won’t be able to do unchecked damage or have unlimited access to your user’s phones.

2. Encrypt Everything

You should not take any chances when you are programming your mobile support app. All the data and codes you used in its construction should be encrypted to the greatest degree possible.

Data encryption can prevent hackers from dismantling your app and learning how to get access to information. Data encryption can also protect any data and information your users put into the app. This level of security is necessary to ensure your app remains secure all the time. Some apps may need heavier encryption than others. For example, if your app helps parents look for the best laptops for kids,

3. Keep Testing

Your app won’t be perfect the first time you run it, and it probably won’t be perfect the tenth time you run it. But you need to test your mobile app exhaustively even before you release it to the public.

Extensive app testing can allow you to spot weaknesses in your security and possible flaws in their programming that hackers can exploit. Even after you have released your app for public use, you should keep testing the app and release periodical updates. This will ensure your app remains safe and secure even months after its initial release.

4. Use Tamper Detection

Your app’s codes are like the diagram of a bank vault or similarly secure structure. If you want to prevent thieves and other people with criminal intent from tampering with it and learning its secrets, you have to ensure no one knows its exact composition.

To this end, you should employ tamper detection programs. These bits of software alert you when someone tries to patch in or hack into the source codes of your mobile support app. Learning of such gaps in your security and any attempts to infiltrate your program is invaluable in countering future hacks and beefing up your protection.

5. Employ Multiple Authentications

Finally, program your mobile app to use multiple levels of authentication before someone can access it. Aside from login credentials and passwords, employ more sophisticated authentication methods if your app accesses sensitive information or interfaces with banking.

For example, it may require fingerprint identification before allowing monetary transactions or facial recognition before connecting with personal information. This ensures your customer’s data is protected in more ways than one.

Mobile support apps are invaluable in ensuring a small business survives these uncertain times. However, if you don’t make a secure mobile app, you may lose more business in the long run. These security tips will ensure you create a safe mobile app to help your business bloom.

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