digital security

Tech Tools to Upgrade Your Business’s Digital Security

Ever since COVID-19 was announced as a pandemic, the world was forced to move everything into the digital sphere. Companies sent their employees home to work remotely, brick-and-mortar stores gave way to e-commerce, and consumers transitioned to online banking and shopping to limit face-to-face interaction. With the whole world moving to the digital realm, it’s no surprise that digital criminals would also grow more sophisticated in their tactics and strategies.

Now more than ever, businesses and companies need to prioritize cybersecurity and digital safety, especially if they’re doing everything online. Here are some tech tools to consider to help protect your business’ digital security this 2021.

Third-party solutions

Many third-party platforms and agencies provide solutions in cases like ServiceNow security breaches or attacks on a business’s IT infrastructure. Serious cyber-attacks require serious intervention, and cybersecurity professionals and experts are the best people to prevent security threats and respond to attacks when they happen.

There are many unknown vulnerabilities in our digital systems that can target the most critical parts of our business services and IT infrastructure. Partnering with these solutions can help us identify these vulnerabilities and get on top of potential breaches and threats before they even happen.


Another crucial line of defense is having a firewall, a network security device that carefully watches outgoing and incoming traffic in our networks and allows or stops data packets depending on a set of security and safety rules. This is why having a firewall is one of the key tools we need to have in cybersecurity and safety. It was created to set a secure boundary and barrier between a system’s internal network and unknown incoming traffic from external networks and sources, such as the internet, to stop harmful traffic like hackers and viruses. Any time an external source attempts to make a connection, this firewall is in charge of deciding where to let it pass or not.

Most platforms and brands provide different security suites depending on your business’ requirements and needs. Even the most basic ones can already provide entry-level features like antivirus, anti-spam, and parental control. The more advanced suites usually provide backup components and some maintenance or tune-up utility. Some mega-suites even allow for VPN, password management, and other security features.

PKI services

PKI, or public key infrastructure, is responsible for protecting communications between the client and the server. It’s a comprehensive framework of cybersecurity and encryption that helps create a secure, reliable, and trustworthy business environment by verifying and then exchanging information between different users and servers. With the proper decryption and encryption, PKI is all about digital certification, which checks out the identity of users and machines to help prove the integrity of the transaction on both sides.

Cybersecurity monitoring tools

Another cybersecurity threat that users need to watch out for is identity theft, especially since it can cause major financial loss, let alone the emotional and mental toll it can bring. Individuals are not the only ones who need to be wary over identity theft; businesses will also benefit greatly from using identity monitoring services, which can help monitor and closely watch key areas that could harm them, such as bank, investment, and credit card accounts, and credit reports because this information can be used for insidious purposes.

Many identity monitoring services also provide reimbursements for financial losses incurred through identity theft, with some companies even providing up to a million dollars. These monitoring tools are a truly worthwhile investment for businesses who want to guard their financial assets and reputation.

Responsible artificial intelligence

As time goes on, artificial intelligence continues to grow and mature rapidly as a force of nature applied in an almost limitless capacity. However, there’s no denying that with this capability also comes a certain level of ethical responsibility. There are plenty of valid concerns regarding artificial intelligence, such as loss of privacy, workforce displacement, possible lack of neutrality when it comes to decision-making, and human beings’ potential lack of control over robots and automated systems; we need to find a suitable alternative.

A responsible AI can ensure transparent, ethical, and accountable use of AI and machine learning technologies that will allow for movement that abides by society’s norms and laws.Responsible AI can ensure that there is no bias in algorithms, maintain individual and user privacy, and that automated decisions are explainable and justified.

There are a lot of cybersecurity tools that businesses can enforce to safeguard their assets. Ensure your company’s security by exploring these tools at your disposal.

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