
Signaling More Traffic to Your Blog Through YouTube and Video Marketing

Combining video marketing and blogging will increase your traffic quickly with just a few insider tips on how to rank high on YouTube.

Are you not taking advantage of the millions of eyeballs that rather be watching TV than reading your blog?

Are you not putting yourself in front of a camera and branding yourself with your infinite knowledge?

Think about all the eyeballs that you could bring to your blog if you just turned on a camera and started to use video marketing to gain more notoriety for a blog.  You wouldn’t have to do any extra work, and by the time you read this whole post, you’ll see why starting a YouTube channel is one of the quickest ways to send more traffic to your blog and brand yourself.

Ranking high on YouTube is a lot simpler than Google.  Although social media still reigns supreme to ranking quickly, using the right keywords can separate you from the crowd quickly and also gain followers quickly.

Use these 4 sneaky, underground secrets of video marketing that has helped me get on the first page of YouTube within 3 hours.

1. Use a keyword-rich title and description

YouTube allows both primary and secondary keywords in your title and description.  That means if you can squeeze 4 keywords (long-tail or short-tail) into your title, do it.  Stuff as many keywords as possible into the description box without looking too spammy.  Use as many primary and secondary keywords in the first few lines.  YouTube will rank your video higher if the first line or two of your description matches the search.  Add calls to action, and links in your description to retain your viewers and also redirect them to your blog.  Also, use as many primary and secondary keywords in the first few lines.

2. Use as many tags as possible

You can use up to 30 tags or up to 500 characters.  Along with using long-tail keywords, use each word in the title as its own keyword tag.  YouTube will piece words together to create a new title for your video to appear in other searches.  This is the primary reason for using a long keyword rich title.  For keywords you want to rank highly for, put those keywords in quotations

3. Find the low competition keywords for your video marketing strategy

This is much different than finding low competition keywords in Google.  Your video marketing strategy will include research on keywords that will get you the quickest traffic.  It is similar to trying to find low-competition keywords on Google, but Google’s search platform does not include YouTube’s platform.

To figure out which keywords to rank easily with, take the amount of searches within Google and divide that number by the number of searches in YouTube.  If you end up with a number greater than 1, then it’s highly likely you’ll see the first page of YouTube pretty fast with optimization to your title, description, and tags.

In the example above, the number is less than 1, so research for a more targeted keyword.

4. Get some backlinks

Video marketing is on its way up; yet, it’s surprising how many videos do not have any backlinks.  This is one of those ultra-top secret ninja tricks that if more people knew about this, it would be tougher to rank on YouTube.  But luckily, I’m giving it to you.

The easiest way to get backlinks from your video is to post it on your blog.  If you do this every blog post, you will automatically have one backlink to your video, which is more than 90% of the videos.

Choose the URL in the search bar, and not in the share box of YouTube, which is not considered a valid backlink.  Also, syndicate your videos on social media to get some quick traffic.  YouTube loves quick traffic and getting some quick views will increase your ranking fast.

5. Annotate a subscribe button in your video

This may seem common sense, but the more subscribers you have on YouTube, the more people you can access when you post a new video.  YouTube has a feature allows you to send a quick broadcast every time you post a new video.  By annotating a subscribe button in every video (remember that you have to tell people what you want them to do), you’ll bring quick traffic to your videos and increase your video marketing efforts to get more views and more traffic to your blog.

Video marketing will never replace the essence of blogging.  However, by not implementing this strategy, you will miss out on a lot of viewers who would rather watch than read.  Implement a video marketing and watch your blog traffic increase.

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