
Can Google Plus Take on Facebook ? Who will win ?

Google Plus has taken the Internet by storm and I bet everyone has on their mind can Google Plus take on Facebook. Well since this is my first post on lionblogger, so I thought of writing something like this as this is a current plus take on facebook

If Google Plus is to take on Facebook, then we have to look at the features of both the networks. The success of the sites is totally dependent on which the user prefers. So, let’s take a look at the basic features of both.

1. Google+ Profile vs Facebook Profile

Google+ Profile and Facebook Profile are very similar when you think about the features they have added for users. Both of them have features of adding your own personal data including a profile picture and a cover photo. In fact, both of them are very similar.

The most important advantage of the Google+ Profile is that you can add yourself as Contributor to other websites or blogs (Google Authorship). After verifying you own Google Authorship your pictures will be shown on search results on which you have Google Authorship.

So, in this regard Google Plus is surely the winner.

2. Google+ Page vs Facebook Page

Again both of them have similar features. You can create as many pages as you want. In Facebook one can like the page and in Google+ one can add the page to circles. The only difference is that in Facebook any page can get a single like from a single user. But in Google+, the page can be added in multiple circles by a single user like Acquaintances, Family, Friends and Following.

So, in this regard Google Plus again comes out to be the winner.

3. Google+ Communities vs Facebook Groups

Google+ Communities have recently become very popular. They have grown from a few members to thousands of members in the last month. If you compare the basic features like the privacy settings or something, they are again very similar. In both Facebook and Google+, the communities can be both public and private.

The only disadvantage is probably that if you start a private community you can’t change it later to a public community. You can read more about it here.

4. Facebook Video Chat vs Google+ Hangout

Everyone knows about the Facebook Video Chat but now everyone’s excited about Google+ Hangout. It has completely changed the long distance communication. In a hangout, about 9 or 10 people can talk to each other simultaneously which I think is very cool.
google plus take on facebook
The plugin is free to download and it installs in second.

Comparing with Facebook chat, I think Google+ Hangout is far out there and clearly it is a much more sophisticated system.


After comparing some of the basic features on both Google+ and Facebook, I think Google+ is on its way to take on Facebook. At present, social networking sites poses more threat to Facebook than Google+.

What do you think ? Don’t hesitate to share your views with us in the comment section. If you have any more points in our mind, you can add it to my list in the comment section.

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Lahaul Seth

Lahaul Seth

Software Engineer, Open Source Enthusiast & Blogger - I also own Lion Blogger Tech which focuses on Open Source, UI, UX, Technology.

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