faster website

5 Indispensable Elements for a Faster Website

In modern-day fast pacing environment, your website’s conversion tends to reduce by a ratio of 7 percent with the delay of every second that it takes to load your website. Even if you are not into selling the business, you are likely to lose an ample amount of visitors to your website due to lagging behind in aspects of time.

faster website

So, have you analysed the speed of your website? Don’t be stress if it’s working slowly. Though, it is a matter to worry; fortunately, there are some simple ways out to deal with this concern and make sure that your site loads faster enough to elude a high bounce rate.

Let’s have a thorough discussion on some of the most effective ways to make your website respond quickly :

1) Develop a mobile-accessible design

Though studies have shown that people tend to maintain patience while browsing the Internet through mobile devices, you still can lose approximately 51% percent of your prospective customers if your site crosses 10 seconds of loading time. Considering the comparison, 40% of the visitors tend to abandon the site, which takes more than three seconds to load on their laptop.

Surveys have revealed that a mobile friendly design whose loading time is a maximum of 5 seconds and navigation is smooth – be it accessed from tablet or smartphone – you will notice a dramatic improvement in site’s conversion ratio. In fact, averages of 97% of mobile users find it feasible to wait for at least 5 seconds loading time and it is a realistic limit for a well-designed website. Keep in mind that websites that are not mobile-friendly tend to lose visitor’s attention quite quickly.

2) Give minimalist approach a thought

Minimalism is a designing approach that stands true to the adage of less being more. When a website makes use of the minimalist design, it implies that it has a comparatively small amount of images, enough blank space and attention-grabbing colours and fonts. Even the most basic theme comprising black and white colour can appear to be visually stunning when brought together in an appropriate manner, and this will make your website much faster to respond to any mobile device.

3) Consider using Content Delivery Networks (CDN)

The sole purpose of considering the use of content delivery networks is to reduce the trail time. In addition to this, with the use of CDN you can restrict the limit of bandwidth consumption over web hosting infrastructure, improving the accessibility and saving you from overhead expenses.

A content delivery network will accumulate the content – such as images, stylesheets, HTML files, videos and code scripts- over a dispersed network of servers around the globe. Always remember that the performance benefits of CDN can be reaped from the geographical aspect. As data caching is done from multiple locations around the globe, visitors from different countries can take advantage of short spanning latency rates. However, CDNs are beneficial especially for the websites that address international audiences.

4) Search Out the Best Website Hosting Options

It is an essential to closely inspect the website hosting options if you are hosting it on your own self. There are many companies that offer faster loading times because of the distributed network they have. Some service providers offer unlimited bandwidth along with ample of space for use. Although it doesn’t seem like a profitable deal if the hosting service provider is highly vulnerable to the incidence of downtime.

The best ingredient for success is to find a provider that promises 99.9% uptime and has the approachable presence to the target audience. Let’s say most of your target audience is in India, it makes no sense to host your website in Singapore, go for a local option instead.

5) No more auto-play videos and music

Giving your website a flashy look with auto-play videos and music files sounds great, but it is one of the most influential factors in terms of slowing down the time to load. Needless to say, such designing elements are often observed as intrusive and annoying things by the website visitors.

To avoid these problems, consider turning off the autoplay functionalities. This doesn’t mean that you should not incorporate videos and music, but give visitors the power to choose when to play and what to play.

Try these hacks; you will definitely observe improvements in the conversion ratio, taking you closer to the business targets.

Kristy Bernales is a highly—skilled and experienced designer, working with Web Design Xperts in Melbourne. Listening music, exploring places and savouring chocolates is all she likes to do in leisure time, taking some break from work schedule.

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